2 bad axe stiletto saws are laid out on a bench hook set. they both have different wood and fastener combonation. beside the image are the words: Custom Saws, your vision on our saw.
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Plate Gauge
  • 0.025
  • 0.015"
  • 0.018"
  • 0.020"
  • 0.025"
  • 0.032"
  • .04
  • 9 ppi
  • 11PPI
  • 12 ppi
  • 14 ppi
  • 15 ppi
  • 16 ppi

Saws - Custom Made


When you choose a custom saw from Bad Axe Tool Works, you're not just getting a tool - you're getting a unique work of traditional craftsmanship. Our saws can be customized to meet your specific needs and preferences, and with a range of handle materials and finishes to choose from, you can create a saw that's both functional and visually stunning.

Not sure which saw to get? That's okay! Reach out to info@badaxetoolworks.com and we would be more than happy to talk about your next project.